应国务院总理李强邀请,德国总理朔尔茨将于4月14日至16日对中国进行正式访问。据外媒报道,宝马、梅赛德斯-奔驰等多家德国企业高管将与他一同前往。这是其就任总理以来第二次访华。此次访华,对中德两国有何重要意义?两国关系将取得何种进展?双边经贸往来会否迈上新台阶?围绕相关话题,中新网专访德国黑森州欧洲及国际事务司前司长博喜文(Michael Borchmann)。 博喜文称,朔尔茨此次访华规格极高,彰显出与中国发展关系在其心目中的重要性。博喜文进一步指出,欧中间加强人员往来交流,有利于减少少数敌对性言论对双方关系造成的不利影响。他还强调,在当前外部环境动荡的时期,中欧班列对保障全球供应链的安全起到了重要作用。(陈天浩)
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will visit China in April, accompanied by three ministers and a high-ranked delegation. Michael Borchmann, former head of the European and International Affairs Department of the federal German state of Hesse, shared his observation on Scholz’s China visit and the China-Europe ties.Borchmann pointed out that this visit signals the importance of developing relationship with China for Chancellor Scholz. In addition, he stressed that meeting people personally is good for immunizing against hostile propaganda, and emphasized the significance of China-Europe Railway Express in securing supply chains in unquiet times.
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