Xi Focus:中国国家主席 COVID-19 回应的简要时间表
原标题:Xi Focus:中国国家主席 COVID-19 回应的简要时间表
北京,12 月 9 日(新华社)——在过去的近三年里,习近平主席一直领导中国与 COVID-19 流行病进行艰苦而非凡的斗争。
在此期间,该国在世界所有主要国家中的 COVID-19 发病率和死亡人数最低。
2020 年 1 月 22 日。由于该病毒在中国中部湖北省,特别是在其省会武汉市造成严重破坏,习近平评估了形势并下令关闭省会和省会的出境通道。该市约有 1000 万人处于前所未有的封锁之下。然而,此举有助于阻止传播。
2020年1月25日,农历新年,中国人最珍视的传统节日之一。同时担任中共中央委员会总书记的习近平召开了一次党的领导会议,讨论和规划 COVID-19 应对措施。成立中央领导小组,派工作组深入疫情防控形势严峻的地方。
2020 年 2 月 3 日。经同时担任中央军事委员会主席的习近平批准,中国武装部队派遣 1,400 名医务人员前往武汉执行治疗 COVID-19 患者的任务。他们中的许多人在抗击2003年北京非典、塞拉利昂和利比里亚埃博拉等传染病方面有着丰富的经验。
2020 年 2 月 23 日。习近平在一次工作会议上特别强调了协调 COVID-19 应对与经济和社会发展的必要性,以推进这两个方面。
2020 年 3 月 26 日,一场前所未有的高规格虚拟会议——二十国集团领导人特别峰会 COVID-19 召开。这也是自 COVID-19 爆发以来习近平参加的第一个重大多边活动。他在会上的讲话对凝聚国际团结抗击疫情起到了至关重要的作用。
2020 年 4 月 4 日,清明节,中国传统节日,悼念祖先和已故亲人。习近平领导全国哀悼在新型冠状病毒爆发中丧生的生命。
2020年4月8日,武汉解封。同一天,习近平主持召开党的领导会议,讨论实施常规 COVID-19 应对措施和全面推进复工复产。
2020 年 5 月下旬。该国最高立法机构和最高政治咨询机构推迟召开了年度会议。习近平与其他立法者坐下来,提出了对更好的公共卫生系统的需求,并制定了加强常规 COVID-19 预防和控制并加快经济和社会发展的计划。
2020 年 9 月 8 日。习近平称赞了中国抗击 COVID-19 流行病的伟大精神,因为中国模范病毒战士获得了国家荣誉。经过八个月的抗击 COVID-19 疫情,中国取得了重大战略成就。
Jan. 28, 2021. The CPC leadership held a group study session on getting off to a good start in the 14th Five-year Plan (2021-2025). Xi stressed preventing both imported cases and domestic resurgence without any let-up to ensure that there would be no large inflows or resurgence.
March 6, 2021. Xi stressed "strategic priority" to safeguarding people's health when he joined national political advisors from the education, medical and health sectors in a joint group meeting held during the "two sessions."
Aug. 5, 2021. Xi announced that China will strive to provide 2 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses to the world throughout the year and offer 100 million U.S. dollars to COVAX, which will help developing countries get life-saving vaccines.
Nov. 16, 2021. President Xi held the first virtual meeting with his U.S. counterpart Joe Biden. Xi pointed out that the pandemic once again proves that humanity lives in a community with a shared future. There is no higher priority than people's lives. Solidarity and cooperation is the most powerful weapon for the international community to defeat COVID-19.
As the year 2022 began, the pandemic remained complex and fast-changing. Since March, a new wave of infections caused by the super-spreading Omicron variant hit many provinces.
March 17, 2022. At a Party leadership meeting, Xi stressed putting people and their lives first, adhering to the dynamic zero-COVID approach with science-based and targeted measures, and containing the spread of the virus as soon as possible.
May 5, 2022. Xi chaired a Party leadership meeting at which he emphasized efforts to consolidate the hard-won achievements in epidemic response and earnestly abide by duties.
June 28, 2022. Xi visited Wuhan again. "I have been concerned with people in Wuhan and now I am here to revisit you in this heroic city after two years," he said. Xi emphasized that over the past two years, Wuhan encountered multiple clusters of infections, but they were quickly brought under control without a large rebound.
Nov. 10, 2022. Xi chaired a Party leadership meeting to hear a report on the COVID-19 response, and discuss and arrange 20 measures to further optimize the responses. A day later, the Chinese government unveiled the measures and called for more science-based and targeted epidemic responses. ■
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