A dozen Chinese dishes have gained fame during the Games, after athletes shared an inside look at food being served in the athletes village on TikTok and in media interviews. Some were even captured live taking a bite of the delicacies during competitions. 北京冬奥会期间,运动员们在TikTok和媒体采访中分享了冬奥村的美食,让数道中国美食走红。有些人甚至被拍到在比赛现场“品尝”美食。
红豆包red bean bun
Snowboarder Jenise Spiteri, the only Olympian representing the European country of Malta is another big fan of Chinese food.珍妮丝•斯皮泰里是唯一一位代表马耳他参加本届冬奥会的运动员,她也是中国美食的铁粉。
She has become the "red bean bun girl" in China after the scene was livestreamed globally that she was taking a crushed, flattened bun out of her competition suit pocket and had a big bite with a huge smile on her face during the breaks of her halfpipe qualifying run.斯皮泰里被中国网友称为“豆包小姐姐”,因为她在单板滑雪女子U型场地技巧资格赛的休息时间从比赛服口袋里拿出一个压扁的豆包,咬了一大口,随后脸上露出了灿烂的笑容,这一幕被全球直播。
韭菜盒子Fried dumpling filled with chives
元宵Glutinous rice ball
Yuanxiao, or glutinous rice balls, made headlines after China's Gu Ailing told the press that it was the food or snack she craved for after winning silver in women's freeski slopestyle final.中国队选手谷爱凌在摘得自由式滑雪女子坡面障碍技巧银牌后在采访中表示,她最想吃元宵,随后元宵登上新闻头条。
"The ones with black sesame filling are my favorites," said Gu.谷爱凌表示:“我最喜欢黑芝麻馅的元宵。”
宫保鸡丁Kung Pao Chicken北京冬奥会期间,美国单板滑雪运动员特莎·莫德当起了兼职“吃播”博主,在TikTok上分享冬奥村的中国美食,她也因此在中国走红。
Beijing 2022 proved to be a totally new and enjoyable culinary experience for Maud. What to eat was a daily hard choice for her because "everything is so good."事实证明,北京冬奥会给莫德带来了一次全新而愉快的美食体验。对她来说,吃什么是每天的难题,因为“都太好吃了”。
She documented details about her life in Beijing with her cafeteria diaries hailed by many viewers.莫德用美食vlog记录了自己在北京生活的点滴,受到许多观众喜爱。
"I tried sweet and sour pork, pork dumplings, spicy tofu, and Dandan noodles. Please tell me more things to try," she asked on Tiktok, which was immediately echoed by followers making a list of popular Chinese dishes under her account.“我吃过糖醋里脊、猪肉饺子、麻婆豆腐和担担面。请告诉我更多可以尝试的美食,”她在Tiktok上问道。粉丝们立刻在评论区列出了一系列人气中国菜。
饺子Chinese dumpling
麻辣烫Spicy hotchpotchJutta Leerdam, a 23-year-old speed skating athlete from the Netherlands, posted her favorite spicy hotchpotch on social media. "This is the famous Chinese snack spicy hotchpotch, which is healthier than burger and fries," lauded Leerdam, with many followers wowing "it looks so delicious!"23岁的荷兰速度滑冰运动员朱塔·利尔丹在社交媒体上发布了她最喜欢的麻辣烫。利尔丹称赞:“这是著名的中国小吃麻辣烫,比汉堡和薯条更健康。”许多粉丝惊叹道:“看起来太好吃了!”
The menu, developed over nearly four years, is designed to meet the athletes' different dietary needs and requirements while also taking religious diversity into consideration, said Song Xueying, operations director of the Yanqing Winter Olympic Village.延庆冬奥村运行主任宋雪莹表示,这份菜单经过近四年的开发,旨在满足运动员不同的饮食需求,同时考虑到宗教多样性。
Apart from traditional Asian cuisines such as sushi, udon, and stir-fried Kimchi, western pizza and pasta are also available to satisfy diversified tastes, according to the organizing committee.据北京冬奥组委会介绍,除了寿司、乌冬面和炒泡菜等传统亚洲美食外,还提供西式披萨和意大利面,以满足不同口味。
In addition, a range of vegetarian and halal dishes is served in the canteen, with kosher service available to meet the specific dietary needs of athletes from different cultures.此外,食堂还提供素食和清真菜肴,并提供犹太洁食服务,以满足不同文化运动员的特定饮食需求。
The catering services at Beijing Games have won wide appreciation from Olympic family members including International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach.北京冬奥会的餐饮服务赢得了包括国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫在内的奥林匹克大家庭成员的广泛赞赏。
"If I had stayed in the village for three days, I would have gained another 10 pounds," he said when visiting the Olympic Village at Yanqing on Feb. 11.2月11日,巴赫在参观延庆奥运村时称:“如果我在村里呆三天,我可能会胖10磅。”
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